Celebrating August

So JD, Dianne, and Johnny are swanning around (see what I did there) the state on blog tour, and they told me to stay home, feed the cats, and write about August holidays, because they’ve got better things to do, right?

August 1 International Childfree Day, something dear to Dianne’s heart. After taking care of four siblings and countless cousins when she was a kid, she says she’s never having kids of her own. I’m not sure why that day is associated with cats, but Johnny says childfree folks can adopt two cats for the price of one during this month.

Cherry & Merry Thompson

August 2–4, Twins Day, a nod to JD’s twin sister’s Cherry and Merry. Isn’t it just like twins to have their day be three days long? They have something to do with the next book, Stealing Saints, along with International Assistance Dog Week (August 4–10), Spoil Your Dog Day (August 10), International Day of Medical Transporters on August 20, and Gay Uncle’s Day (August 11). Can you guess the plot?

July 3–August 5 Air Conditioning Appreciation Days. Believe me, with the temperatures in the hundreds, we do appreciate the heck out of air conditioning. The bill for it, not so much.

August 5 National Underwear Day. JD says I can’t post a photo. I’m not sure how you’re supposed to celebrate. You do you, also for Go Topless Day on August 25.

August 8 International Cat Day. It’s also Scottish Wildcat Day, Dalek Day, and Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night, which I am definitely observing, because we have an eighth of an acre planted with squash and similar, and having it for dinner every night gets old.

Lots of animal celebrations—Johnny approves. Can we count National Sea Serpent Day on August 7? Then there’s World Lion Day on August 10, World Lizard Day on August 14, Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17, International Homeless Animals Day also on August 17, and Take Your Cat to the Vet Day on August 22. Johnny’s still got some appointments open.

Happy Lefthanders Day on August 13 with a wave of the ol’ left hand.

For religious holidays we have Tisha B’Av (for remembering Jewish tragedies like the destruction of the Temple and the Holocaust) starting on August 12, Assumption of the Blessing Virgin Mary on August 15, and Muharram (Islamic New Year) on August 30. Check out Family Matters for my most awesome Assumption Day decorations. Approved by Father Emilio, but not Dianne. May they all bring you whatever you’re looking for.

August 19 International Bow Day, but I’m not sure if you should put one in your hair or get an arrow and go shoot something. Better do both, to be sure.

Cadillac Ranch, Dreamstime

August 26 Motorist Consideration Monday, not something we do in Texas. It’s everyone for themselves. The Cadillac Ranch looks a whole lot like I-35 in Austin on a Friday afternoon.

August 31 Love Litigating Lawyers Day, just for JD. He’ll probably sue somebody in honor of it. It’s also National Diatomaceous Earth Day, Bacon Day, and National Trail Mix Day. Maybe he’ll throw all that around to celebrate.

And let’s not forget Speak Kind Words Saturday, also on the August 31. Please. We all could use some. Feel free to start early.

Darryl Swann
Student at Texas Community College in Elrod, intern in charge of litter boxes for cat clinic, pointless paperwork for the accounting and legal offices, reception desk, social media, and holidays.