Check Out Stealing Saints

Stealing Saints, Black Orchid Enterprises Book 6, is now available everywhere all at once, on this website and all your favorite online bookstores. You can read it as an ebook, trade paperback, or large print version. Or all three. You don’t have to choose.

This books wraps up the story begun in Family Matters: Lies Across Texas. Not totally, because life goes on, for most people anyway. But it should answer most of the questions raised in Family Matters. You can see my sister Merry in the featured image. What a brave girl!

Stealing Saints also brings back Nick Thornton, my childhood friend who lived with my family during our senior year. You met him in An Angel Passing, the free story you received for signing up for this site and our emails. Nick became a firefighter, and … you’ll have to read Stealing Saints to find out how that worked out.

The usual crew is back, with a lot of my family, because it’s Christmas. Mallory too. Remember Mallory from Hallow? I’m afraid I do. You’ll see my new cat Havoc from Hallow and Chantal’s Sphynx cat Godzilla from The Sphynx Who Stole Christmas. And a dog. Not Cupcake, who’s threatening to sue us for leaving her out of this book.

To celebrate, let’s turn on the book’s playlist and dance or chill, whatever you’re inspired to do. Here’s a sample of what you’ll see at YouTube. Memories! Driving down the highway on Christmas morning, singing along with Taylor. A few tunes (including my MultiABBA signature song) my grandmother played at the family gathering on Christmas. Where’s ABBA? You just have to keep listening. The last tune is ABBA’s “I’ve Been Waiting for You,” sung for a wedding. Whose wedding? You’re just going to have to read the book.

Happy New Year from the Black Orchids/MultiABBA and our families!

May the year be better than you expect. Bound to be? I hope so. Yeah, I have to close out this post with that ABBA song.

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JD Thompson
Attorney at Law, Mediator